Yoga and Meditation

Calm your mind and body with yoga and meditation at Dome, where the busyness of life stays at the door. Here, you can clear your mind, centre your body, and sink into a more grounded approach to life. Whether you’re a newbie, a new mum, or a bloke with an ache to ease: this is for you.

Beginner Yoga

Take it back to the basics in a comfortable, friendly environment with our structured beginner course. Whether you’re new to yoga or you’re wanting to relearn the foundations, we’ll go through yoga postures, breathing awareness and mindfulness practices. Learn to adapt yoga postures to suit your body and your stage of life, and develop your confidence in a safe place without judgment.

At Dome, yoga is for everyone. Our beginner course will help change how you feel physically and mentally, and will lead the way to a fuller and more active life. Join us at Dome and discover the rich benefits of yoga for yourself.

Vinyasa Yoga

With a combination of asana (yogic postures), pranayama (breath instruction), meditation and relaxation, Vinyasa builds strength, mobility, balance and calm in the physical body. This practice encourages us to slow down, calm the nervous system and cultivate inner stillness.

Our Vinyasa sequences are gentle to medium physical intensity, with each posture linking smoothly to the next. Our class runs at a relaxed pace, so you can calmly organise your body in space. We practice mindfulness, moving in time with our breath to bring a quiet calm and balance to the mind and nervous system. Open to all abilities, classes are adapted to meet the level of the group.

Gentle Mind Yoga

A wonderful way to release stress, our Gentle Mind Yoga classes encourage you to take time for yourself and calm the nervous system. Gentle Mind Yoga includes floor-based movements and Yogic postures, Yin and restorative postures, meditation, and relaxation. Nurture your body and mind for 75 minutes through this gentle, mindful practice. You deserve it.

Pregnancy Yoga

Our Pregnancy Yoga course will nourish your mind and body, helping you to slow down and connect with your growing baby and release any tension or tightness in the body. You’ll meet other like-minded women in a safe, supportive environment as you build strength and endurance to prepare for birth.

In this course, we use affirmations to work through any fears that arise, and start to unpack any negative conditioning around birth. We practice movements to ease the body in pregnancy and to support you in your labour and birth, as well as breathing techniques that calm the nervous system and relax the mind and body. Relax, release, let go, and gain confidence to birth your baby.

Mums & Bubs Yoga

Mums & Bubs Yoga allows new mothers to come together in a relaxed environment, spending time with your baby as you gently move your body and calm your mind. Take the time to nurture and restore your senses, connecting and balancing your breathing and movements.

As mums, it’s important to take the little moments to honour yourselves and find stillness, even if just for a moment between feeds, nappy changes, and settling your baby. In this class, we make the most of those opportunities, finding the calm between the busyness of motherhood.

Mens Yoga

Our Men’s Yoga classes provide an opportunity for men to practice yoga in a supportive, nonjudgmental environment. Open to all levels, every yoga posture in this course can be adapted to suit your individual body and mobility levels, regardless of flexibility.

In this one-hour class, you will stretch your body to release tightness and tension, and will learn breathing techniques to support your everyday life. We’ll also put an emphasis on common injuries such as spinal health and improving chronic back pain.


Do you feel like your mind is too busy and distracted? The practice of meditation will help to quiet the mind, so you can be more present and experience life at its fullest. Become aware of what is happening in the here and now, rather than being caught in the busyness and distractions of modern life.

In this course, we train the attention to focus on an object (for example, the breath), which helps quiet our thoughts and mind. Through this practice, we can begin to break from the repetitive, and often negative thought patterns we get stuck in. We learn to be conscious of our attention and where we direct it.

Meditation creates space for us to be still, and inquire within. Bringing a sense of calm and tranquility, we begin to have more agency around where we are directing our attention and how we react to the world around us.

Hañsa Rest

Hañsa Rest is a deeply restorative practice that helps regulate breathing patterns to support, steady and reset your nervous system through deep rest. This is simulated through Hañsa Rest swaddling, a cocooned experience that temporarily shields the practitioner from the outside world and induces a feeling of security. In time, this enables a deeper state of rest and restoration and enhances growth on a physical, cognitive and emotional level.

Hañsa Rest cultivates an internal environment that helps the user digest life experiences. It provides opportunities to move past historical narratives, instead realigning and centring our mental and physiological states through rest, meditation and mindfulness. Founded by Vincent Bolletta from nu yoga, Dunedin, Hañsa Rest offers the practitioner an experience that enables them to return “home”.

Ready to yoga?

We have a range of classes to suit all individuals, no matter what step of the journey you’re on. If you’re not sure which course is right for you, feel free to get in touch.

What people are saying

“Kate is such a wonderful guide for practising all aspects of yoga. Whatever skill level you’re at, I couldn’t recommend Dome enough. There is truly something for everyone. The space and setting is so tranquil, it’s the perfect yoga escape.”

- Georgina Irvine

“Last winter, I attended 16 weeks of meditation with Kate at Dome. The course only ran for 8 weeks, but I loved it so much I signed up twice! Kate was kind and nurturing but also firm, helping me improve my meditation skills and integrate mindful practices into my everyday life. She helped me identify negative thought patterns, instead giving me practical techniques to overcome these.

I also attended Kate's Vinyasa Yoga classes, which was a gentle way of mindfully moving my body. Many of the meditation tools I’d learned with Kate were cleverly woven throughout the class, as she calmly guided me through a series of poses and flows. I left feeling a new sense of peace, calm and harmony in my mind and body - both thanks to Kate, and to the tui and bellbirds singing outside!”

- Bree, The Reformery

“Kate is a yoga magnet! The variety of classes offered suit all levels of participation, be it regular deep yogi practice, an introduction to getting loose and limber, or somewhere in between.

The Dome space she provides is the best yoga facility I have ever been to. I love the style! Thanks, Kate, for your cost-effective and helpful classes.”

- Natalie Cootes